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We are your local community that teaches sword fighting with a punch ⚔️👊🏻. In partnership with Decathlon we are offering exclusive sword classes for Kids and Teens, developed with parents and children from the local Bermondsey community. We are certified and experienced teachers, as well as a parent, who have worked with children for several years (including neurodiverse children) and understand their needs first hand. As such, we know how important it is for your child to feel welcome, safe and to have fun during their activities. Our programmes have hence been carefully developed to correspond to children and teens of specific age groups and to see them thrive. At Swordpunch we combine authentic Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) techniques with professional and modern teaching styles, students in our class can learn how to fight like a knight, pirate or renaissance swordmaster and progress in their own pace, needs and ability, no matter their level or proficiency. If you are curious about this extraordinary activity, come join us and embark on a fascinating and fun journey to discover this historical art of moving and handling a sword.